All-State Saxophone
Audition Help Website
Welcome to my All-State Saxophone Audition Help Website! Here are some suggestions:

Dr. Richard A. Schwartz
Associate Professor of Saxophone and Jazz
Eastern New Mexico University
1) Be aware that an All-State Band saxophone audition usually consists of two pre-selected major scales, a full-range chromatic scale, two contrasting etudes and sight-reading.
2) Print-out the scale sheet found on the BAND page of this website and practice your scales along with my recording. Also, practice your scales very slowly in order to keep consistent articulations, tone quality, air speed and tempo. Always practice with a metronome.
3) Listen to the slow and fast etude recordings several times a day. Be sure to practice the fast etude VERY slowly with a metronome in order to keep consistent articulations, tone quality, air speed and tempo. Pay attention to all musical gestures including dynamics, changes in tempo, etc...
4) Sight-reading is a VERY important part of the All-State audition. Many whom audition either make All-State Band or do not make All-State Band due to sight-reading preparation. Be sure to order The Sight-Reading Workbook found on the BAND page of this website and read through at least 5 exercises per day. When doing so, pay attention to (1) time signatures, (2) key signatures, (3) accidentals, (4) challenging rhythms and (5) musical gestures.
5) Intonation and tone quality is also incredibly important for All-State Band saxophone auditions. Be sure to order The Tuning C.D. found on the BAND page of this website and practice with it everyday. The Tuning C.D. will not only help your intonation, but it centers and matures your tone quality.
6) Should you have any questions about these auditions or need more help, please feel free to contact me through the CONTACT page on this website. Good luck guys!